Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


Triggering Modals | Tasks App | Slack Platform

Modals provide focused spaces ideal for requesting and collecting data from users, or temporarily displaying dynamic and interactive information. For users, modals are prominent and pervasive — taking center stage in Slack ahead of any other interface element. Follow along as Slack Developer Advocate Sandra Illi Villarreal shows you how we leverage modals throughout Tasks App.

Work smarter, from anywhere: How IT leaders are shaping the new normal

Covid-19 brought a sea change to how we work, and there is no going back to business as usual. The organisations that will thrive are the ones that can combine the best of their previous practices with the new methods developed while people worked from home. IT leaders are key to creating this hybrid workplace.

Please hold-the tech revolution that's changing customer service

Good customers are hard to find; keeping them is crucial. We are working in a much-changed, digital-first economy where it’s all too easy for people to click away if they don’t get what they need. They want their issues solved quickly—preferably on first contact—and they want to feel heard. But too often, customer service teams run up against barriers.