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Implementation plan: What to include and 5 essential steps

A project plan or project implementation plan is a key strategic document that keeps teams on track throughout a project, indicating how a project is expected to run along with who’s responsible for what. It’s an extremely valuable planning tool — one that can be the difference between project success and project failure. It’s also a fairly comprehensive document, and if you’ve never built one before, the concept can feel a bit overwhelming.

12 Web Dev Projects for Beginners & Intermediate

Becoming an in-demand web developer takes more than book knowledge. While it’s great that you made it through your first courses, experience is what it will take to succeed in the field. When you go in for an interview, you're almost guaranteed to be asked about what you’ve built outside the classroom. Luckily, there’s no shortage of web development projects you can dive into and expand your current skill set.

How to take flawless meeting notes (Free template included)

Whether it’s a strategy planning session, client meeting, or catch-up with your line manager, note-taking is an under-appreciated skill in workplaces. With many teams working remotely, it’s more important than ever to be able to capture the information shared, and discussions had. Without good notes, meetings can be pointless and teams left wondering what to do next. In this post, we’ll show you exactly how to take flawless meeting notes.

PLG marketing: What it is, how it accelerates growth, and strategies to know

Product-led growth (a go-to-market strategy that uses the product itself as the primary means of growing the customer base) is an increasingly popular approach. It’s highly effective in the right situations, but marketing a product-led business is a little bit different. It might even require some adjustments to your marketing team structure — which is how we’ve ended up with a new approach called PLG marketing.

8 ways to increase customer lifetime value

Which is better: One week off starting tomorrow, or four extra days off every month for the entire next year? A whole pie for dessert tonight, or a slice every night, forever? Five bags of potato chips (but you have to eat them all today), or a steady supply of free chips over the next 20 years? We all agree, right? The long-term play (or lifetime value) is better because long-term stability beats short-term success every time.

3 agency leader segments: A new way to solve agency operational challenges

If you’ve ever wondered what the recipe for smooth agency operations is, you may be surprised to learn that the type of business you are – your size, how long you’ve been around, the services you offer – don’t apply. A creative agency of five can be wildly successful, yet an event agency of 2,500 can be stuck in a rut.

The State of Agency Operations Report: Make your agency run smoothly with these 5 takeaways

How would you describe your agency’s operations right now? Chaotic? Falling short? Missing a little something (organization, transparency, alignment)? If you recognize room for improvement, you’re in good company with two-thirds of the agency leaders who participated in our recent agency operations research.

The wrap-up: 5 key takeaways from the 'Time-tracking framework to keep your team engaged' webinar

We recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Marcel Petitpas, Co-Founder and CEO of Parakeeto, to unpick his surefire time-tracking framework for agencies. If you’re an agency leader who has ripped up your time-tracking methodology and thrown it out the proverbial window (let’s face it, who hasn’t?) then this blog is for you. Time-tracking is notoriously difficult to get right, but with Marcel’s guidance and the right tools in place, it really doesn’t have to be.

Understanding the MOCHA method in project management

If you’ve tried RACI models for clarifying responsibilities in your marketing project management efforts, did you get the results you were hoping for? For some agencies, RACI delivers incredible clarity. But others find it a little underwhelming, vague, or even confusing. Divvying up project roles into four categories (responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed) is one way to bring clarity to a project.

Disciplined Agile 101: Your comprehensive guide to DA

Does it ever feel like following an agile approach isn’t as, well, agile as it’s supposed to be? For all the advantages agile delivers, there are trade-offs. And sometimes, the framework ends up getting in the way of business agility. Some are turning to a hybrid approach in an effort to achieve better adaptability — and greater agility — throughout the delivery lifecycle. This hybrid approach is a scaled agile framework called Disciplined Agile.