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Control your mute setting through Status

In an important client meeting? Going on vacation? Or simply deeply concentrated on a project that needs finalizing? We all have reasons to turn to the trusty mute settings from time to time. But instead of scrolling through each conversation to see which one is “mute-worthy” why not just have a global mute setting when you need some peace and quiet. Why not set a status to let your colleagues know you are unavailable and at the same time set everything on full or partial mute.

Why email is not the future

As the executive team reviews productivity, profiabilty and collaboration in the organization, email is at the center point of most interactions. But is it the right choice for the future? Email has already been dubbed a productivity-killer and dead by many. Add to that an excess of vulnerabilites but maybe there is another angle - vulnerability that should make organizations consider if email shall be the primary communications tool.

The future of collaboration is secure

There is no doubt that the business world is moving to a collaborative way of working pioneered by Slack who is getting rewarded today with a gigantic DPO. They changed the way organizations use email and adapted the way we work to the way the coming generation communicates. Backed by startups and developers the platform became the backbone of product organizations and growing tech companies.

Creating security by delivering what employees want

There are countless ways how hackers can reach employees through the often chosen standard communication channels using phishing, CEO spoofing, malware and ransomware. It’s important to understand that one affected employee easily leads to the entire organization being at risk. Using a company-wide secure collaboration platform is the simplest, most effective way to eliminate all of these threats.

How a German service company used Wire to transform the way they do business

Making collaboration efficient and most importantly mobile isn’t always an easy task for small businesses. With the European GDPR regulation customer contact is now regulated, having a large impact on businesses in the maintenance, repair, service or construction industry. These businesses need to comply to the same regulations as Europe’s largest companies.

How to get the most out of your CISO at your next board meeting

Not that long ago, a company’s board of directors would meet once a year to be briefed on cybersecurity. The discussion would be brief, and it certainly wouldn’t be strategic. Today, things have changed. Boards not only have a responsibility to protect shareholder value (by protecting company assets held digitally), but there are also regulatory and personal liabilities that could come from a data breach.

Simple measures - big results

Nearly every single company uses email as the main platform for communication. The problem? Emails are among the easiest platforms to hack, intercept and carry company-debilitating viruses. Unfortunately for businesses, emails and free app communications will pose a permanent risk to companies who wish to maintain uninterrupted regular day-to-day operations.