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How to write requests for information (RFI)

RFIs, RFPs, RFQs: we know, it’s an acronym overload. But for many agencies, documents like these are core to their sales and operations processes. Like it or not, the “RFs” are a part of how business gets done. But all this alphabet soup can get a little nebulous. If you aren’t working with them every day (and maybe even if you are), it’s easy to lose track of what each document is there for. What exactly is an RFI, and when should your agency use one?

Phase-gate process in project management: What it is and how it works

It may sound like something out of a science fiction film, but the phase-gate process is a project management methodology that can offer a lot of benefits. It helps project teams break large projects down into checkpoints and milestones to ensure quality and viability before moving on to the next development phase. Of course, there’s no shortage of project management methodologies for client services businesses to choose from.

Project management information system (PMIS): What it is and how it works

Project management software comes in a lot of shapes and sizes — and some are nicer than others. If you want to give your project team the tools they need to excel, choosing the right type of software should be your number one objective. One type of software that can help with almost all aspects of project management is a project management information system (PMIS).

Project assumptions: Understanding their role and significance in project management

What are you assuming right this second? Lots of things! At a minimum: We all make assumptions about the world around us — it’s a part of navigating a complex and sometimes chaotic world. What good would we be in everyday life if we constantly doubted that gravity would hold us down, that electricity would keep working, and so on? We do the same thing in projects: we make certain project assumptions so we can focus on the less certain stuff between those assumptions.

The 5 project management process groups explained

5 process groups. 10 knowledge areas. 49 processes. All sliced and diced and mixed together in a slurry of business-speak that mere mortals struggle to understand. If you’ve ever picked up a copy of PMBOK (or spent much time reading primary sources from its publisher, the Project Management Institute), well— it can be a lot to digest. Especially when as a client services business your day-to-day focus is something quite different.

Take the stress out of planning and prioritizing your day with My Calendar

Tired of juggling multiple tools to manage your workday efficiently? Wish there was a single solution that could seamlessly integrate all of your tasks, projects, and time tracking in one place (not to mention your Google Calendar events)? Well, get ready to meet your new best friend: My Calendar, the latest addition to the suite. Check out the video below for a step-by-step walkthrough of how it all works!

Scrum master vs. project manager: Understanding the key differences

Different projects need different tools — but they also need different types of leaders to guide the project team to success. In the world of project management, there are two main types of leadership roles: project managers and Scrum masters. But what’s the difference between the two job descriptions, and which one is the best choice for your agency’s next project?

Top 6 valuable certifications for aspiring product managers

Great product managers are made, not born. There are plenty of jobs out there where people can get by on talent and charisma alone. But a product management role isn’t one of them. That’s because the skills, experience, and competencies required to manage and make a great product are numerous, diverse, and overlapping. Some might come naturally, but others require hands-on experience and still others, formal training.

11 types of consulting and the unique challenges they face

Consulting has become a huge part of daily operations for businesses and governments worldwide, and for good reason: It’s a great way to seek expert advice and outside perspectives to achieve goals, reduce costs, and improve performance. The numbers back up this rapid growth. According to Global Data, the global consulting industry (valued at a whopping$347 billion in 2022) is expected to hit $449 billion by 2027!

Project-based consulting fees: How it works and weighing the benefits

Pricing is a constant balancing act in the world of consulting. Charge too much, and you risk losing potential clients, charge too little, and devalue your expertise and skills. Unfortunately, for most consultants, hourly rates are the norm. You know — set an hourly rate, multiply that by the number of hours worked, and there’s your consulting fee. So, what’s the solution? Project-based consulting fees.