Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

June 2024

Importance of Predictive Analytics - Unlock Advanced Security and Compliance Capabilities of wAnywhere

Data loss incidents don’t always involve deliberate malicious activities and are also caused by mistakes from careless users, who contribute to 70.6% of data theft instances – the highest among all data attacks, followed by 48.1% of compromised systems. For data loss, whether it is triggered by negligent behavior or vengeful intent, the result leads to severe consequences in either case.

Impact of Fraud Attacks in Fintech and Call Centers - How Leveraging AI Security Can Help

Growing threats have caused a grave security concern for organizations where data is at the center of business operations, including the Banking, Financial Services, Insurance industries (BFSI), and BPOs. The rising threat landscape indicates an urgent need to adopt strong countermeasures for threat mitigation and operational efficiency.

Impact of Data Breaches in the Healthcare Industry - Effective Strategies to Mitigate Threats

Healthcare is the most targeted industry by malicious actors with an 8.2% increase in threat incidents since 2022 costing it an average of $10.93 million. Growing risky insider incidents and hefty regulatory fines indicate an urgent need for the industry to adopt a robust security system and gain strong control over rising data attacks leading to regulatory compliance breaches.

Reimagining Remote Work - How Time Management Helps Boost Efficiency for Your Distributed Teams

Time is the most critical element and when it comes to achieving goals, the value of time gets multi-folded. Now when workplaces are evolving with growing remote teams and businesses are striving to enhance employee efficiency in distributed work, managing workforce hours is important to maximize productivity in remote work.

Maximizing Employee Engagement - The Impact of Transforming Workplace

Employee engagement is a critical factor in driving growth for organizations. A recent report on the Status of Workforce Engagement 2024 reveals that 32% of companies experience the negative impact of low employee engagement on their operational efficiency. Now more organizations are investing effort in creating a positive work environment, encouraging work flexibility, and promoting well-being in the workplace to improve workforce engagement.

Employee Monitoring in the Workplace - Common Concerns and Effective Solutions

In evolving workplaces where more teams are working distributed across locations, organizations face the challenge of staying in sync with how remote employees work and what efficiency distributed workforce achieves. Leveraging employee monitoring software can enable businesses working with distributed teams to gain the actionable insights that matter.