Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

August 2020

The Ultimate Guide to Strengthening Customer Relations

Customer relations are the basis for forming loyal customers. Strong customer relations strategies will ensure a strong emotional connection from the customer to a brand, making them brand advocates. This is why ensuring great experiences with customers is vital to any business. So, how do you strengthen customer relations? What does “customer relations” entail?

How To Build a Crisis Management Plan (for CS teams)

Crisis management is essential for any business (large and small). It can provide guidance, even in the most chaotic times. And it can find ways for your company to come out victorious on the other end. However, 51% of companies admit to not having a crisis management plan in place. Is your company one of them? If it is, here’s the way to write a crisis management plan, as well as the way companies have used them to resolve crises.