Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

October 2019

Ticket Management for Dummies: Keeping Tickets Organized Truly Matters

You get a support call escalated to you one minute, your boss tells you to call a different customer the next, and a few minutes later three new tickets hit your inbox, all with totally different issues. How do you and your team stay organized with your tickets when they’re flying in from everywhere?! If all customer problems came in through a single channel, such as email, it would make organizing and keeping track of your tickets so much easier.

The Value of the Post-Sale Customer Experience in the B2B Industry

You’ve given them countless product demos. Made executive trips to their headquarters. Answered their questions on Saturday mornings. Invited their European team out to dinner. Your team put in the work and finally won the deal. Congratulations! Now, is it really on to the next one? For sales yes, but for your entire company it definitely shouldn’t be. More companies are spending additional time and resources on improving the B2B post-sale experience of their customers. Why?