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September 2019

What is Workativ Assistant

In today's modern workplace environment, providing a great workplace IT support helps define a positive culture of an organization. Once your employees are given proper support, the productivity increases, naturally. In a traditional IT support model, employees spend a lot of time writing lengthy emails or making long calls with the IT Helpdesk.

AI adoption in space explorations

That’s the potential grandeur of applying AI in different fields and industries of the world today! The UK government seems to have made the right move and at an opportune time too. AI is the intelligence exhibited by machines. These machines have competence in reasoning, learning, language processing, planning, and perception to help improve decision making of businesses. Basically, AI’s data crunching power will outsmart the smartest technologies of today.

50 Killer AI Projects

Because of the hefty amount of data that are there without any practical use. Think of data as the collection of our consciousness. Similar to how consciousness helps us make clear decisions in our day-to-day life, ultimately the data-backed decisions will help us make things right. With data comes wisdom, the epiphany about things we were missing out on, these many years.

3 Skills We All Need To Thrive In The AI Driven Future

About Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Neural Networking, and numerous other automation systems. The duty that we have on our table right now is to equip our future generations with ways to polish their brains. It’s all left to the ultimate skills they learn from the very first day of their life. You believe it or not, the traditional method of hiring candidates is long gone. Why are we all seeking open talent employees?