Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

October 2021

Productivity has massively improved - thanks to the Cloud

A two-year study by Stanford University has confirmed what many already knew: working from home is a productivity booster. What has been less understood is how Cloud has facilitated productivity across WFH and office teams – until now. It’s clear that the key driver and facilitator of improved WFH is the adoption of Cloud apps and infrastructure, but how are Cloud platforms responsible for increased productivity?

Death to the Office? Hybrid, Remote and the Future of Working Together

The office as we once knew it is gone. But is it really dead? Remote, hybrid and flexible working models are now the norm; 24% of businesses surveyed by the ONS stated that they intended to adopt more home working going forward. In the same study, 85% of workers disclosed their preference for a “hybrid” approach of both home and office working. It looks like the office – although totally transformed – is here to stay, too.