Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for Data Security

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for Data Security

Jul 18, 2024

Teramind's Optical Character Recognition (OCR) tool transforms every pixel on every screen into searchable text. Learn to detect sensitive information on user screens and prevent potential data breaches.

Start your free trial at https://www.teramind.co/start-free-trial and experience Teramind's OCR tool.


Want to dive deeper into the world of visual data security?
✅ Endpoint Data Protection and Security - https://www.teramind.co/blog/endpoint-data-protection/
✅ How to Prevent Data Breaches in Healthcare - https://www.teramind.co/blog/how-to-prevent-data-breaches-in-healthcare/
✅ Employee Data Theft: Warning Signs and How to Prevent - https://www.teramind.co/blog/employee-data-theft/


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