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Why a Learning Management System is Important in Customer Support

Many businesses are looking for new ways to improve and strengthen their own customer relationships. They’ve hired a great team of account managers, have incredibly knowledgeable support agents, and have provided them with the technology needed to succeed. However, even with a group full of all-stars, getting new employees up to that same level quickly can be a challenge as a company grows.

3 Advantages of a Knowledge Management Solution

In the business world, knowledge is power. A team of bad ass, knowledgeable employees will impress even the most difficult customers. However, finding the right people to build a team like this isn’t easy and can take a lot of time. In many companies, knowledge is acquired through direct experience. A senior employee that has been working on a product for a long time will know it inside and out. But, as a result of everything they know, they can often feel overburdened or overworked.

SaaS Customer Onboarding: Why It's Valuable to Software Companies

Landing new customers is a hell of a lot of work for B2B (business-to-business) software companies. Even the easy deals require extensive brand awareness efforts, targeted marketing, testimonials, sales conversations, proposals, and so much more. If there’s so much effort put in to acquiring a customer, then why do so many businesses stop caring once the deal is signed?

Proving the Value and ROI of a Customer Service System

Creating a solid business case for customer service initiatives has been difficult in the past. There’s still a mindset in the workplace that customer service is a “necessary cost” and that’s it. You need customers to have a business, and they require customer service to stick around. That’s the way the relationship has been viewed for decades. But, over the last ten years, the dynamic has changed. Why?

5 Reasons Why Customer Support Systems are Essential to Great Businesses

Customer support can be a challenge. Especially in the B2B (business-to-business) industry, the quick decisions your support team makes can have a profound impact on a customer relationship. Whether or not they make the right decision on the phone can be the difference between calming an upset customer or making them even more angry. One method businesses are utilizing to improve the number of positive customer interactions that happen every day is to leverage customer support systems.

Why Facility Management Leaders Need B2B Customer Support Software

The facility management industry is unique. You’ve got customers with all different types of buildings and a wide array of needs and demands. This means there’s isn’t a “blueprint” for how to deal with customer issues as they arise. Fortunately, B2B customer support software exists to help! Here are a few reasons why facility management leaders need support software to optimize their operations…

Is Ditching Phone Customer Support a Smart Decision?

There’s an old saying – “the squeaky wheel gets the grease” – that sometimes rings all too true for customer support teams. When prioritizing support inquiries, there’s a hierarchy of channels. Email sits at the bottom, with response times ranging into hours or even days. Chat is somewhere in the middle, with customers expecting a response in a few minutes. Phone support sits at the very top.