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The ultimate lead qualification checklist in just 5 questions

Identifying the attributes that constitute a qualified lead can be a complicated process, especially if your product caters to a wide variety of customers. Your sales reps need a clear and structured strategy to ensure their lead qualification process is both consistent and reliable. A lead qualification checklist establishes the criteria and step-by-step framework your team needs to ensure the leads they work have the highest probability of becoming future customers.

7 tips for creating a customer centric business

Lots of companies say they’re customer focused. But are they really? The fact is, most companies think more about profits than how they treat their customers. That makes sense on the surface–after all, any business needs to be profitable to stay afloat. But in the long run, it’s much healthier for the bottom line to put customer needs in focus. A single angry customer can create a social media firestorm with a complaint.

Learn from the past and prepare for the future with monthly recurring revenue

For SaaS businesses, no metric matters more than monthly recurring revenue (MRR). That’s because they rely on recurring revenue to run their business. MRR is how they track whether that revenue is growing, plateauing, or declining. And following that trend, they can predict future sales revenue and adjust their budget as needed. Read on to learn how MRR is calculated and how SaaS companies can leverage it to create more accurate sales forecasts and better budgets for their business.

The 3 revenue formulas every sales team should know

In order to grow your business, revenue needs to exceed the costs of running your company. This may seem like a “Thank you Captain Obvious” concept. But the truth is, accurately calculating revenue to plan for future expenses and growth is not as cut and dried as you may think.That’s because there are different types of revenue, each one requiring a unique revenue formula to calculate.

Make more sales faster with lead scoring

Hitting your sales quota every month means knowing how to work smarter, not harder. Oftentimes, this means knowing which leads to chase first. Sales reps who have mastered this skill typically use lead scoring to guide their actions. Usually calculated on a numeric scale, lead scoring helps reps identify people who are most likely to buy their product or service and weed out those who are least likely. It makes you wonder why everyone isn’t scoring their leads, right?

How to overcome common sales-related customer service challenges

A quality customer experience requires a dedicated sales team and support team. Sales reps start conversations with leads, and support reps continue those conversations once those leads become customers. But considering the way in which the former group passes the torch to the latter, it’s worth asking: Why aren’t more sales reps and support agents having conversations with one another?

Welcome Sell apps to the Zendesk marketplace

We’re excited to announce that Sell is now in the Zendesk Apps Marketplace, introducing a new line of apps to help sales teams sell more. Since 2012, the Zendesk Marketplace has powered the world of customer support. With just under 1,000 apps available for Zendesk Support and Chat, the Marketplace has allowed support organizations to extend Zendesk products to address unique business needs and ultimately enable companies to create the best customer experience possible for their customers.