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January 2023

10 Productivity Improvement Strategies Companies Need To Try

Most everyone would like to think that they have great and, consequently, productive employees. However, studies show that employees are only productive for 2 hours and 23 minutes of their work day. While you might be blown away by that statistic, the truth is that employees can become very distracted by chatty co-workers, unproductive websites, and other workplace distractions. These issues are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to improving employee productivity.

6 of the Best Email Service Providers in 2023

In the 21st century, it takes just minutes to set up an email account on the web. A simple Google search will yield a myriad of results providing users with a huge spectrum of different service providers to choose from. Alongside blocking distracting websites, having an easy-to-manage email inbox is essential for improving productivity. On the surface, it appears that each of these providers offers roughly the same service by allowing us to seamlessly send, receive, accept and store emails online.