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July 2023

5 Ways Collaboration Platform Can Help with Online Teaching

The concept of online teaching isn’t new. However, teachers, especially the non-tech-savvy professionals who’ve spent years practicing chalkboard teaching methods, didn’t see it coming until the COVID-19 pandemic left institutions with no other option. That’s when the power of online teaching and learning became more evident, and it continues to flourish with no end in sight.

The Power of Collaboration: Exploring the Dynamics of Group Coaching

The working world is changing. And employees know that. But what’s changing goes beyond the ever-growing debate of whether employees should physically return to their workplace. With the growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, workplaces are adapting to accommodate the need for new skills, demonstrating the necessity for professional development and coaching in the workplace. While some may believe AI removes positions, it’s doing the opposite.

What is Toxic Productivity? 7 Ways to Find the Balance

Imagine waking up every morning with a sense of dread. You feel the weight of an endless to-do list weighing down on you. Diving headfirst into work, you push yourself to be productive at all costs. Sleep becomes a luxury. Self-care becomes a distant memory, and your relationships begin to suffer. This toxic productivity makes it pervasive in our fast-paced and demanding world. Toxic productivity is the unyielding pursuit of constant busyness.

Career Coaching: A Powerful Weapon For Increased Productivity

In a world where competition is as fierce as a Monday morning without coffee, it’s no wonder that individuals are on a run to boost their productivity and conquer their professional goals. But don’t worry, we have a secret weapon just for the right purpose: career coaching! Yes, you heard it right. Career coaching is the not-so-secret-anymore sauce that has taken the working world by storm.