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Jira Align Blueprint - Dependencies

Atlassian’s Agile at Scale Solution Blueprints are manuals that connect best of breed scaled agile concepts to the tactical how-to details of implementing those concepts with Atlassian’s agile products. In this video we discuss dependencies and best ways to manage cross-team dependencies in Jira Align as well as key concepts that you need to master.

New JQL editor in Jira - Demo Den July 2021

Kyle, a software developer on the Jira team shows off the brand new JQL editor and talks about how the new editor will help your team be more effective in writing JQL queries. Demo Den is a regular series by Atlassian Product Managers, Engineers, and Product Designers. Thanks for watching and don’t forget to subscribe to our channel!

Discover insights in Jira Software Cloud

Everyone understands the importance of data driven decision making, but when it comes to improving team rituals and processes, many rely on intuition. What if Jira could surface key data points as insights throughout your workflow? In this on-demand demo, you will get an intro to insights in Jira Software Cloud, how teams can use this feature, and what’s to come!