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Personal hosted Riot + Matrix-now available from Modular!

Attention Matrix fans! Modular has just announced public availabilty of their personal hosted homeservers! Starting at $10/month for a 5-user server, they’re speedy, they’re reliable, and just like their larger cousins come with a custom-branded Riot Web instance and can be used with your existing domain name. And did I mentions there’s a one month free trial? What are you even waiting for!? Android security update

After the security incident at, we have decided to publish a new Android app on the Google Play Store out of an abundance of caution. The fresh app is still called but internally it has a different application identifier ( Because of this new id, the new app appears in Google Play as a completely different application. This also prevents an automatic update from the old to the new application.

Riot Mobile Update + Brand New Website!

Hot on the heels of Riot Web 1.0 we’ve released updates to Riot Android and iOS with all new colours and automatic secure key backup for your encryption keys so you’ll never again lose your encrypted messages! Plus, the Riot Website ( has had a complete and beautiful overhaul! Now featuring much more useful and up-to-date information and much less eye-injuring purple.