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10 Easy-To-Get Types of Brain Food To Help Recharge Your Brainpower

We are what we eat. Even though you might not actually become what you eat, your nutritional decisions definitely have an impact on your general health and productivity levels. Given that the brain consumes about 20% of the body’s calories, it requires a lot of healthy sustenance to maintain its focus and productivity throughout the day. Having said that, brain health can be improved or maintained with quality brain food, increasing productivity as a result.

8 Top Real Estate Apps for Agents to Use in 2023

The real estate industry is constantly evolving, and as we step into 2023, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that agents need to adapt to the changing landscape to remain competitive. The days of relying solely on a charming personality and hard work are behind us. Today’s real estate agents need to leverage the power of technology to streamline their workflow, enhance their productivity, and ultimately, provide an exceptional client experience.

10 Platforms and Tools for Successful Online Coaching in 2023

Online coaching has emerged as a sought-after way for coaches to offer their services to clients worldwide, irrespective of geographical barriers. With the help of various online platforms, coaches can now create and deliver customized coaching experiences that cater to individual client needs. These platforms and tools allow coaches to interact with clients in real-time, provide on-demand support, and offer a seamless coaching experience that is both convenient and effective.

Art of Problem Solving: 11 Brilliant Problem Solving Methods and Techniques Nobody Taught You

No one likes problems, especially at work. However, they’re part of our everyday work routine. If you take a look at job ads online, many of them will list “problem solving techniques” as a necessity for the job role. The truth is that every job in the world requires the art of problem solving. From managing tasks to managing people, we don’t like feeling stuck, at work or outside of it.

Slack Pricing: How Much Does Slack Cost and How to Pay Less?

With over 10 million daily active users and 150,000 paid customers, Slack is not just the biggest team chat app out there. It is also one of the most successful SaaS businesses in the world. Although Slack is generally loved, there are a few complaints that we all have about it. Primarily, the price. It’s not the most expensive team chat app out there, but certainly not the cheapest either. This is the number one complaint you get when browsing social media for feedback on Slack.

10 Time Wasters at Work and Quick Fixes

We’ve all been there. Sitting at our desks, staring at our computer screens, trying to get some work done but finding ourselves distracted by endless time wasters. Whether it’s checking social media, reading random articles, or just staring blankly into space, there are countless ways to waste time at work.

Communication Strategies in the Workplace: Tools and Resources for Doing it Right

A good communication strategy glues a business together. A bad communication strategy can pull it apart. An effective manager is always looking for the best mediums of communication for their business, but workplace communication isn’t just a matter of keeping in touch. Truly effective communication strategies mean understanding that your team consists of individuals with unique personalities and different communication styles in the workplace.

What is Webex: A Comprehensive Comparison of Webex and Chanty

We all know that with the growing number of remote jobs, there is an ever-increasing market demand for reliable and efficient meeting and conference tools. If you need help deciding between Chanty and Webex, we’ve got you covered! In this blog post, we’ll highlight the key features of these two platforms to assist you in determining which option will best meet your team’s collaboration needs.

What is Workplace Chat and How to Choose the Right One for Your Business?

One of the secrets to a positive and healthy working environment is effective communication. With a happy, motivated, and strongly connected team, goals are easily achieved and projects move forward with less friction. Unfortunately, the reality today is that many modern workplaces experience poor communication. Misunderstandings, unclear requirements, and confusion with tasks are common in teams that lack harmony and proper ways of communication.