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Agent performance monitoring: How to improve productivity in the workplace

Monitoring your remote workforce with agent performance monitoring tools is the new normal. Here’s how you can put the tools to your good use. In this age of ‘work from home culture’, it is becoming increasingly difficult for companies to monitor the productivity of their employees. Agents working from home for prolonged periods are losing motivation and the quality of their work is deteriorating. Organizations find it hard to provide quality client support to their customers.


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Working Hybrid In 2022? Here's What You Need To Reconsider

According to a report by Microsoft, around 70% of workers expect the remote work ecosystem to continue. The report further adds that 65% of them are looking for more in-person time with their colleagues. These contrasting trends point out that a working hybrid ecosystem is the reality of modern times that is here to stay in the long run.

Solving employee performance tracking questions once and for all

Remote working environments involve employees operating virtually or online instead of working at a physical campus. They connect to the company workspace and co-workers via certain software. While working flexible employee performance tracking is one of the factors that organizations always wanted to keep an eye on. According to Owl Labs, around 16% of enterprises globally have rolled out 100% remote working environments.

Your 2022 checklist to the best employee monitoring software

Employee computer monitoring software covers the major factors of analyzing how your remote workforce is supposed to perform and what they actually do. It measures employee productivity on a broader level and draws the line between productive vs non-productive performance behavior. Thus, when it comes to choosing out of all the options you get in the market, please consider the below information before taking any step.

4 critical ways remote workforce management software helps you in 2022

Remote workforce management software has become a crucial aspect for maintaining business efficiency since it created opportunities for businesses to track and monitor the productivity of the workforce remotely. Work from home getting on a bigger scale needs massive support technologically that has a tendency to be cost-efficient and help businesses thrive productively.

2022 Employee monitoring software guide- Everything you need to know!

Employee monitoring has become a buzzword in every industry since the pandemic hit businesses. From the time organizations started adopting remote work as a new normal, the leaders have become more conscious of ensuring that their remote employees are actually working when they work from home. That is why more and more companies understand the need of enabling such a tool for employee monitoring that can foster their regular operations and protect their resources.

4 factors that improve employee productivity during remote work

Improving employee productivity during remote work means taking measures against work from home distractions, social isolation, and many other aspects – that lead to unproductive employees. To overcome such challenges, employers need new and proactive ways to make hybrid work more easier and engaging for employees.

How does knowledge management improve remote workforce efficiency?

The way of working has changed since Covid-19 has hit the world with lots of challenges. However, it has helped people to work virtually and live with limited resources. From work-life balance to cut on travel expenses, the world has learned to deal with the new normal. In a situation where humans are at risk of being in physical proximity to each other, technology has come up as a saving grace while making sure there is no challenge in remote work efficiency.