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What is Team Chat Software and How does it Work?

Team chat software is a place where you can connect and communicate with your team members in a secure and dedicated professional environment. A lot of people refer to team chat software as a business communication tool, but it is much more than just this. Team chat software is a powerful invention that helps you connect with people from across different departments, countries and even continents.

How to Be Productive at Work after Holidays

If you feel like you need a vacation after a vacation, or just another day off after the weekend, you’re not alone. The transition from fun, sun, sea, and relaxation to busy working days is always stressful. After soaking up the sun and lounging on the sand, making the switch from diving into waves to diving back into work may feel daunting. According to some studies, post-trip happiness doesn’t last long, unless you had an extremely relaxed holiday over quite a long time.

What is Cyberbullying and How does It Impact Work Productivity?

Cyberspace has been revolutionized in the past couple of decades and now there are more people using internet services and mobile devices than ever before. But with all the advantages to anything, there are also some downsides. The alternative medium of communication has also somehow enabled bullies to harass people by new means and methods. It has enabled bullies to target their victims on digital mediums and sometimes anonymously.

Team Effort: Its Benefits, Examples and Ways to Encourage

It’s no secret that life has a way of testing us with unforeseen challenges. While it’s impossible to avoid every obstacle altogether, working as a team can make these trials far easier to overcome. When team members play off each other’s strengths, they’ll be able to function as a collective unit that’s greater than the sum of its parts. In this article, we’re going to go over some key benefits and examples of team effort. Let’s get right into it!

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

We’ve all been part of the group projects at school where we have that one ‘leader’ who decides whose ideas are interesting and dismisses the others as unamusing. In addition to our leader, we had the lazy one who did nothing but took credit for the hard work of others. Based on those past experiences, it’s no wonder why most of us dread the idea of working together with others. And yet, something incredible happens when people come together to create something new.

Top 7 Tips to Prevent Employee Burnout for Remote Workers

The concept of burnout isn’t new. But with more employees working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s certainly becoming more apparent. 38% of remote workers say that burnout has worsened throughout the pandemic. And it doesn’t just affect remote workers. A recent study by StuDocu discovered that 7 out of 10 students experienced a decline in their mental health. So it’s clear that the pandemic is impacting the well-being of people all around the world.

6 Tips on Running a Successful One on One Meeting

There is no doubt that effective communication is the backbone of any successful organization. For effective delivery, you must ensure that your employees have a smooth and effective way of communicating with each other. That will help allow your company to work efficiently and provide quality service to your customers. Although there are many ways employees can communicate internally, organizing a one on one meeting is a great way to collaborate.

How to Manage a Remote Team: 14 Effective Tips for Your Business

According to Global Workplace Analytics, the number of people who work from home has grown by more than 173% since 2005. There are now over five million remote employees in the U.S. The emergence of the coronavirus pandemic prompted stay-at-home orders, and work-related tasks have become challenging for those who struggle with managing remote teams. Some employees find it hard to create a work-life balance now that they work from home.

Trends in Digital Communication

Darwin once said that we do not adapt, but perish. This has never been more true than it is today. Digital marketing platforms have become incredibly influential. We all need to be extremely flexible and agile if we want to keep up with the current marketing landscape. With the pandemic, the world has started to move into the digital space. Covid transformed technologies, behaviours, and work life.

Chanty Kanban board feature

Meet our Kanban board view feature! Now Chanty users are able to create tasks, assign them, manage their statuses, set deadlines, and much more! All in one place! This task management feature empowers teams to work more productively and efficiently. No more lost work missed deadlines and non-collaborative teams. Try it today and make your work process better with Chanty! Task management has never been easier.