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9 Smart Ways to Track Computer Usage in 2024

With the advances in technology over the years and various developments in the tech industry, the working decorum has also significantly changed. Nowadays, smart work is the key and thus you also need smart tracking with Computer Monitoring Software for your employees. In this blog, we will tell you 9 smart ways to track computer usage in 2024.

How am I Getting Unproductive even Working for 12-13 Hours a Day?

Since weeks I was trying hard to finish my pending to-do list, but instead of getting smaller, it is getting way lengthy and it brings a lot of depressing thoughts. Even though I try, I am not able to list my to do’s. So, after getting a length of thought with a cup of team, being watched outside by an office window, I start writing on a piece of paper what I am going to do all across the day. Get Free Demo.

How to Choose the Best Time Tracking Software for Freelancers

If you have an organization, tracking your employees and freelancers for productivity, also known as employee screening is a must, which means that you must know whether your employee is working or simply walking around, daydreaming. However, doing it manually has a loophole, which is a waste of time and your employees lying. So, you need time tracking software, which will automatically do it for you. How convenient!

Top 4 Modern Performance Review Methods In 2024

On average, an employee spends 9-10 hours of the day at work and gets his performance review report periodically. But, wait. What do you think? Is this process seamless, unaffecting the ones who receive negative feedback at work, even if they work day in & day-out? The answer is NO. The process & the result are not always positive for everyone. I want to take you through some real-life questions of employees, who have a hard time during their performance review process.

What is First Shift :The Comprehensive Guide 2024

Are you a morning person? Is work-life balance a major priority for you? If you are thinking yes for an answer, then definitely you need to get familiar with the concept of first shift. Besides, nowadays, many of us are becoming very health conscious too, hence the first shift is becoming people’s choice & priority too.

How Time Tracking Can Make Outsourcing Successful

In the current economy, every business is trying to reduce liability and operational costs. CEOs, CFOs, and CIOs’ top choice is to outsource as much as possible. However, outsourcing itself is not always successful due to many reasons. Today we are only focusing on how we make outsourcing successful and what process we can outsource. What are the tools to be used to make it successful? Get Free Demo.

The Role of Work Environment in Productivity and Efficiency: A Complete Guide

It might be the question of debate, the environment in which work and stay silently builds our subconscious for that habit. If you want to drink water sufficiently, then put a water bottle in front of you and observe water intake increase. Similarly, If you are on a diet and processed food, avoid sweet and processed foods then stop buying them and reach, that will not trigger you to grab it.

3 Time Tracking Tips to be Productive: Work Less, Achieve More

Whenever, We try to implement our new year’s resolution 95% of us fail. We start new habits after some time. Either we start in our heads or we stop after a couple of days. We human beings are built psychologically to slip into our comfortable zone. It is difficult to push ourselves to a continuous basis. In this blog, we’ll explore three powerful time tracking tips that will help you work smarter, not harder, allowing you to accomplish more in less time.

Open Office Concept - The Ultimate Guide in 2024

Have you ever thought that there is a direct relation between productivity & architecture of your office? And this relation is scientific. I am obviously not speaking from the perspective of ‘vastu-shastra’. Basically, back in the 1900s people used to work within an open-office concept, where there is no division of internal wall, cubicles, or any such setup which makes an employee ‘alone’. Such a setup was discovered keeping the productivity of employees in mind.