
InvGate-Okta Integration: Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re looking for a way to streamline authentication and provisioning in your IT Asset Management operations, the InvGate Insight-Okta integration might just be what you’re looking for. Okta’s Identity and Access Management capabilities fully complement InvGate Insight’s packet of ITAM features. Through a centralized Identity and Access Management System, when combining these tools, you will be able to streamline and secure your User Management processes.

An introduction to cybersecurity collaboration

In today’s interconnected world, cybersecurity is more important than ever before. Organizations of all sizes face an increasing number of cyber threats, including costly data breaches and ransomware attacks. When bad actors strike, organizations can suffer devastating financial and reputational consequences. At the same time, organizations can face heightened risks if their most sensitive data is stolen.

Wire welcomes the publication of Messaging Layer Security as RFC 9420

After years of intense standards development, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) officially published today Messaging Layer Security (MLS) as RFC 9420. MLS is the first global open standard for end-to-end encrypted communications and has been jointly developed by industry peers and academic institutions. Wire was an initiator of MLS in 2016 and has been a key contributor ever since.

Top secure messaging apps in 2023

In times marked by technological advancements and an ever-increasing dependence on digital communication, securing private information and conversations has emerged as a crucial concern. According to a social conversational commerce report, 60% of people prefer messaging over phone calls or emails. However, the pervasive cyber threats and the necessity to protect private data have caused secure messaging apps to become more popular.

OZG, Onlinezugangsgesetz, or Online Access Act: Germany's path to digital transformation

OZG (Onlinezugangsgesetz) is the latest example of a European-based law that aims to improve the quality of public services for citizens. The German Online Access Act is yet to be fully implemented, but the implications are far-reaching. European countries often set the trends and standards with their legislation: will there be a spillover effect, and will other countries follow the German lead? This remains to be seen in the following years.

Optimizing Security with Remote Desktop Monitoring: A Comprehensive Guide

As remote work becomes the norm, businesses face new challenges in ensuring security and productivity. This guide takes you through the key issues, from cybersecurity and data privacy to employee monitoring and IT infrastructure management. Learn about the significance of Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), the use of real-time screen monitoring, and the importance of balance between productivity, security, and privacy.

Miro now integrated with AWS AppFabric: Connect your SaaS apps and improve security

For the past few years, especially as hybrid and remote work have become normalized, enterprise organizations have become reliant on an increasing number of applications and cloud-based platforms to streamline collaboration and improve productivity among teams and individuals. Companies are incentivized to ensure their tools are accessible to everyone and that work remains frictionless, all while ensuring their data stays safe.

Privacy and Security Considerations in Educational Messaging Platforms

Schools use more digital communication now, but they worry about keeping things private and safe. Teachers and school leaders need to know what it means to use encrypted apps that many people like. It's important to think about the good and bad things about instant messaging apps for students and teachers to stay safe when they talk online. This post discusses why keeping your messages private and secure when using educational apps is essential.

How Monitoring Software Can Help with Cyber Security for Employees?

Given the increasing reliance on technology and the pervasiveness of digital systems in business settings, cybersecurity is of utmost importance. There is no denying that workspaces now are much more technology dependent than ever before. In the post-pandemic business scenario, many companies are opting for remote working and hybrid working models. All of these surely offers many benefits, like enabling companies to cut down costs, faster delivery of projects, and many more.

Role of Employee Monitoring in Fraud Prevention

Fraud has become a significant concern for organizations across various industries, leading to As organizations strive to protect themselves from fraudulent activities, employee monitoring becomes vital in fraud detection and prevention. By monitoring user activities, you can proactively do the following tasks: This blog will discuss the importance of employee monitoring in fraud prevention, features of monitoring software, and more.