Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

September 2023

Choosing secure collaboration for your enterprise business

Mattermost is a secure collaboration hub designed for technical and operations teams. Larger organizations with strict security, regulatory, and data control requirements want a collaboration platform that meets their needs. Mattermost Enterprise Edition is built for scalability and offers enhanced access controls and advanced functionality modern enterprises require. What type of organization uses Mattermost Enterprise Edition? What features are included in Mattermost Enterprise Edition?

Cybersecurity Insurance and Why It is Important?

Most business owners already know that cybersecurity is a serious issue to be dealt with. Cyber incidents have been mentioned in news headlines for quite some time, ranging from mild to devastating. Furthermore, cybercriminals are getting more ambitious, targeting small businesses and large corporations or even governmental institutions if they have the power.

The Future of Secure Communications

We recently commissioned Forrester Consulting to deep dive into the future of secure communications within the workplace. The results are mind blowing! Off the back of the pandemic, organizations have been caught flat-footed. They now have serious problems with how their workforce communicates; from the shortcomings of email to the Wild West of messaging apps. We’ve made the study - The Future of Secure Communications - available for download.

Preparing our customers for a new era of secure communication

For anyone new around here, we enable our customers to have true self-sovereignty over their communications through a combination of Element Server Suite (ESS) and our Element app. ESS allows our customers to own their communication platform and deploy powerful administrative tooling through our paid subscriptions. Customers host their own server(s) and customise it to suit their business needs.

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Strong Security Should Not Mean Slow Performance

The security threat vector has become wider and deeper as technology has advanced. Enterprises put a series of tools in place that attempt to close up the many possible holes. But it's not all smooth sailing for everyone. Slow performance due to security measures and high overhead can impact employee productivity.