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May 2023

Wire for Android - Changes under the hood and the way ahead

Just recently, we have relaunched Wire for Android on a completely new code base. This brings a lot of improvements, especially better performance in the app, seamless notifications, and much better reliability. But even more important: The release will allow us to deploy features much faster in the future and brings better modularity to the development process. This approach comes with some compromises, though. We had to disable a few features that are loved by many of our users.

Complete Guide To Data Security: Comply With Regulations & Prevent Data Breaches

With data breach happening at an alarming rate, data security has become a critical concern for organizations worldwide. With such alarming statistics, ensuring your organization is equipped with the right data security measures and tools is highly essential. To help IT professionals protect their organization’s sensitive data and comply with relevant regulations, we have created this comprehensive guide.

On-Premise vs SaaS: Security Considerations for Enterprise Solutions

Even though the globe has been termed the "digital world," many businesses cannot distinguish between on-premise and SaaS. The security factors may be complex, but understanding the differences can make matching them to your company's needs more accessible. To take advantage of security advantages, businesses quickly switch from SaaS solutions to on-premise software or vice versa.

Cybersecurity in government agencies: challenges and opportunities

For government and public sector organizations, cybersecurity is a big obstacle to digital transformation. The two seem at odds: implementing digital transformation best practices seems impossible while upholding the highest cybersecurity standards.