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March 2023

Top 11 self-hosted chat apps in 2023 for secure communication

Organizations adapting to the global trend of working remotely or in hybrid settings must maintain data privacy by adhering to local or industry-specific regulations. This can be achieved almost effortlessly with the help of self-hosted chat apps without compromising the organization's ease of usage and smooth communication. Self-hosted chat apps are open-source software that one can download, modify, and deploy in their organization as needed.

What is multilevel security, and why does it matter?

In today’s world, organizations must be conscious about protecting data and safeguarding the exchange of information. On top of that, digital transformation has become ubiquitous, covering everything from the organization's top-secret business leads to unclassified day-to-day operational information. With this level of digitization, the risk of cyberattacks also comes to the fore. A multilevel security (MLS) approach is crucial in privacy-conscious organizations prioritizing data security.

Streamline and Simplify SSL/TLS Certificate Monitoring

Hackers busily work night and day to find the tiniest hole in your security perimeter, so they can compromise your systems. Browsers are the most commonly used application on your enterprise network – and one becoming increasingly difficult to secure. Managing their security certificates became more challenging recently, but Exoprise’s easy to deploy SSL certificate monitoring solutions close up any holes. There is no doubt that your network is constantly under attack.

How can air-gapped networks offer airtight security?

With the advancement in technology and rapid digitization, the potential risk for cyber crimes has also increased to a great extent. These risks often incur a data loss, negatively impact assets, and in some extreme cases, lead to plant shutdowns. In order to mitigate such risks, many businesses are now shifting towards adapting the air-gapped network strategy. This security measure ensures that systems and their stored data are protected from unauthorized access.