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The Ultimate Guide for Remote Employee Onboarding in 2021

There’s a night and day difference between onboarding a remote employee and onboarding an in-person employee. Since in-person new hires establish rapport with staff and coworkers face-to-face, the learning curve is shorter. When they have questions about paperwork or policies, they simply walk over and ask a coworker or manager. But remote new hires have to deal with time zone differences, communication barriers, and feeling disconnected from company culture.

How to Create a New On-boarding or Checklist Template for Customers | StartingPoint

In this video, we show you how to create an on-boarding or checklist template to have an easy way to complete tasks within StartingPoint for your customers. StartingPoint is a workflow management platform for service-focused companies and teams. Our platform helps companies retain customers, save money by using less software, save time by centralizing information and data, and improve operational efficiency through simple workflow to make sure nothing falls through the cracks for your customers and your team members.

Onboard employee using chatbot in 10 minutes

Hazzle free onboarding of employee on different organizational apps using Workativ Assistant "We take you through Workativ Assistant, a SaaS no-code platform that builds, automates and deploys conversational AI chatbots with workflow automation. In this video, we would cover Chatbot Builder, Workflow Builder and Chatbot integration functionalities along with a live scenario of employee onboarding in MS Teams using Workativ Chatbot

Bringing Order to the Chaos of Onboarding

At Scoro, we believe that every success story is built on a solid foundation. And whether we are talking about our clients or new team members, we want everybody to have the best experience with Scoro software. That’s why we have created a well-crafted and thorough onboarding process for every new user that walks through our doors.