Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

April 2023

8 Employee Onboarding Best Practices to Make Everyone's Lives Easier

New hires slog through a lot before they’re ready to operate at the rate of someone who’s been there for years. And should you leave out important steps when getting someone set up, you could end up with a new employee who doesn’t know where to go for help, isn’t sure what they’re supposed to be doing every day, and ends up regretting their decision to join your company. New hires are also judging you during their first weeks at the company.

5 steps to successful client onboarding

In agency life, there’s no better feeling than the buzz of winning a new client. Did someone say “open bar”? But with it now being 16 times more expensive to build a long-term relationship with a brand-new client than an existing one, there’s never been so much pressure on agencies to get client onboarding right. That’s why more and more agencies are choosing project management software to track projects and centralize communication between stakeholders and your team.