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How to find alignment on AI

AI’s starring role in workplace transformation is now undeniable. CEOs everywhere are asking senior leaders to create strategies for maximum AI impact, while frontline managers and their teams must navigate rolling out this new reality. AI feels like an imperative within all corners of the org chart. Eager to dig deeper, we turned to the latest research from Asana’s Work Innovation Lab, a think tank developing human-centered, cutting-edge research to help businesses evolve.

What is content marketing? A complete guide

When brands produce great content, their audience keeps coming back for more. In this article, learn how to create a successful content marketing strategy that keeps your audience engaged. Content marketing isn’t just nice to have—it’s a necessity. Ninety percent of marketers incorporate content into their strategy, and that number is growing. Research projects that the content marketing industry will be worth $600 billion in 2024, a significant uptick from previous years.

Product Roundup: What's new in Rocket.Chat 6.8

Accessibility is not just a mere add-on, but a defining facet of Rocket.Chat. In order to ensure no one is left behind in the digital dialogue, we’ve made our platform easier to use and more accessible in this latest version. We firmly believe that communication shouldn't discriminate; it should be made accessible to everyone, taking into account differing technical competencies and physical capabilities. As we move into the second quarter of the year, we keep up the pace.

Resetting the server-side key backup

The server-side key backup is an encrypted copy of your Matrix client’s message keys, securely stored on your Matrix homeserver. To ensure those keys can only ever be accessed by you, they are encrypted on your device, with a key that’s kept only on your devices and known as the backup key. In order to use your backup, you must have access to either.

3 ways extrovert bias stifles innovation

In fast-paced workplaces, it’s easy to assume that the loudest, most outgoing voices always have the best ideas. This assumption, however, overlooks the dangers of extrovert bias — the subtle (and often unintentional) tendency to favor the contributions of more vocal team members over those with quieter personalities. Extrovert bias imperils innovation by creating missed opportunities for breakthroughs. This leads to homogeneous solutions and can drive away valuable talent.

8 most secure government communication platforms

Clear and accessible government communication is key to building trust and transparency between the government and its citizens. It empowers citizens by keeping them informed about policies, initiatives, and decisions, fostering a more educated and engaged society. However, accomplishing these purposes on a large scale presents a major challenge regarding compliance, security, and interoperability.

Reasons Why Email Hosting is Essential for Your Business

Emails play an essential role in any company. They allow us to connect with people all around the world, promote our products and services, share vital information, and collaborate on projects. Regular email services, on the other hand, are notoriously unreliable and vulnerable to security breaches. This is why people and companies are always looking for safer and better solutions.

How to get started with visual thinking: Diversify your brainstorm sessions with these visual thinking techniques

Unlike verbal or word-based thinking, which is sequential and linear, visual thinking uses imagery and spatial representation to organize information. For visual thinkers, this way of laying out information sparks creativity and imagination, as it helps them comprehend concepts, identify new patterns, and make connections.

EU AI act: GenAI solutions that rely on trusted, internal data are key to compliance with new legislation

The EU parliament has approved its AI act, the world’s first recognized set of rules designed to regulate this technology. Under the act, AI solutions will be divided into risk categories, including an ‘unacceptable’ tier that will see models that pose systemic risk banned. The bill will come into force 12 months after it is made law and is subject to formal approval from ministers of EU member states.

How to conduct a feasibility study: Templates and examples

Conducting a feasibility study is an important step in successful project management. By evaluating the viability of a proposed project, a feasibility study helps you identify potential challenges and opportunities, ensuring you make informed decisions. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to conduct a feasibility study with practical templates and real-world examples, designed for project managers seeking to optimize their project planning process.