Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

December 2022

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Learn all about nTask's Mission to Empower Teams

nTask is a task management platform that helps you organize your to-do list and track your progress. It also has features that make it easy to find the tasks you’re looking for, complete them, and get feedback on your work. nTask eliminates the need for you to carry around different pieces of paper with you, or to search through a pile of folders in order to find the task you’re looking for.

19 Best Online Collaboration Tools in 2023

Online collaboration tools are web-design platforms, a technology that helps businesses or organizations connect, chat, share projects, delegate assignments, or share files from anywhere in the world. They greatly support teamwork even if all the parties are in different locations, generating transparency, hence high productivity as an end product to any organization.

Tips on How to Effectively Manage a Cross-generational Team

A challenge that’s increasingly common in workplaces today is that many generations often work together in one team. Managing a cross-generational team can be challenging. The generation gap between members requires managers to understand the unique habits, behaviors and preferences of different generations. A prime example of age differences is in the use of technology.