Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

January 2023

From Haphazard to High-Performing: How Employee Tracking Software Can Transform Your Business

As the world shifts towards remote work and virtual teams, managing productivity can feel like navigating uncharted waters. Gone are the days of physically observing employees at their desks, managers must now find new ways to ensure their teams are operating at peak efficiency. However, with the advent of innovative tools and technologies, it's possible to effectively track and measure productivity, even when teams are spread out across the globe.

Get More Productive: 7 Golden Rules For Time Management

If you want to accomplish more in less time, mastering time management is essential. However, finding enough hours in a day to get everything done might look like a mammoth task – a mission impossible. But with the right approach, you can raise the potential of your time and make the most out of it. This blog post discusses the seven golden rules for time management that will help you become more productive and achieve your goals faster. Let’s dive in-

How to Start a Social Media Marketing Agency

Once upon a time, social media was used to share photos of your meals, blurry highlights from your night out with friends, and general life updates with your family. But then something magical happened. The influencer was born. All of a sudden, individuals with thousands and even millions of followers could post a photo wearing a certain sweater, and that sweater would sell out immediately. It wasn’t long before businesses took notice. Enter the age of social media marketing.

Use This Marketing Agency Proposal Template If You Want New Clients

If you run a marketing agency, you ask a lot of your proposals. Agency proposals are so much more than a few pages of a PDF. They’re old school newspaper hawkers shouting “Extra! Extra!” on the street corner. Not only do they have all the information, but they also need to get your attention and make the sale. That’s why agency owners need a proposal template that stands out.

10 Productivity Improvement Strategies Companies Need To Try

Most everyone would like to think that they have great and, consequently, productive employees. However, studies show that employees are only productive for 2 hours and 23 minutes of their work day. While you might be blown away by that statistic, the truth is that employees can become very distracted by chatty co-workers, unproductive websites, and other workplace distractions. These issues are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to improving employee productivity.

How to optimize the productivity of your technical and operational teams with Mattermost

Technical and operational teams must manage complex workflows and tools every day. But when it comes to supporting these critical processes, general collaboration tools often fall short. Learn how Mattermost supports technical processes for better team collaboration.

7 Windows Productivity Tips you Can't Live Without

For most working professionals, improving productivity means decluttering their diskspace or downloading a slew of Chrome extensions. However, for those who work in the IT field, productivity is synonymous with maximizing every tool available to perfectly juggle between tasks. Since most IT professionals prefer Windows OS, we’re about to explore some handy Windows productivity tips to help you reduce distractions and optimize your workflow.

How to Fire a Client (Without Making It a Big Deal)

Firing a client will be your reality. Good businesses have standards, and you’re bound to run into people who don’t meet them. A client speaks horribly to one of your team members. A client approaches an employee and attempts to hire them outside of your services for additional work.

Breaking Free From Gaslighting at the Workplace

Have you ever encountered a form of manipulation that can happen in any kind of relationship, including at work? It occurs when a colleague or boss (the gaslighter) manipulates you to the point that you question your own sanity, memory, or perceptions. For example, the gaslighter may deny past events, downplay your emotions, or retell events in a way that puts the blame on you.

The 10 Best Practices for Working Toward Successful Smart Goals

Are you striving for success in your professional or personal life? Are you having difficulty achieving your goals? Have you heard of Smart Goals but need help creating and working toward them? If so, then this blog post is perfect for you. We are going to discuss the ten best practices on how to set smarter goals and achieve success. By efficiently setting and working towards smart goals, anyone can increase their chances of achieving their desired outcome.

Slack vs Discord: Identify your go-to tool

When it comes to choosing a communication platform for your company or startup, Slack and Discord are two popular options that are often considered. Both platforms offer a range of features that can be useful for teams, but they have some key differences that may make one a better fit for your needs. Slack is a business-oriented messaging platform that is designed for team communication and collaboration.

Digital Marketing KPIs to Track for Growth, Conversion, & Brand Reputation

Digital marketing has changed significantly in the last few years. Anyone who tells you differently doesn’t actually spend time in many online spaces. And if the trends — what people consume, what types of ads work — continue, your digital marketing KPIs (key performance indicators) have to change with them. Whether you’re the head of marketing at a company or run your own digital marketing agency, the numbers are important.

7 Common Time Wasters in the Workplace (and how you can deal with them)

Wasting time is a common phenomenon in the workplace. You are surrounded by many time wasters that are continuously wasting your necessary time but don’t notice that you are in time theft. Time theft means a glance at the phone might seem harmless, but every time you check Facebook and other social media. Maximum of eight hours is your office time, and employers are not sure what you are doing in the office time?

SaaS Solutions to Transform Your Business and Boost Your Bottom Line

In today's fast-paced business environment, staying competitive and efficient is essential to success. One way to do this is by leveraging the power of software as a service (SaaS) products. These cloud-based tools can help you automate tasks, improve communication and collaboration, and increase productivity.

5 Leadership Values That Boost Team Productivity

Leadership values can have a significant impact on how productive a team is. Understanding and implementing the correct values can help your team work smarter, not harder. This article explores five leadership values that can help boost team productivity. By following these values, your team will be able to cooperate more effectively and achieve their goals more quickly.

Developer Productivity Trends to Watch in 2023

It’s a new year and a new quarter – what better time to take a step back and think about the ways your team can collaborate more effectively and work more productively moving forward? Last month, we released the results of our annual developer productivity survey and our analysis of the trends and challenges that will shape the way developers and technical teams work in 2023. Read on to learn more about the developer productivity trends we think will make a big impact this year!

Calculate Revenue Per Employee To Know Productivity Potential At Workplace

When your business has a high productivity rate, it reflects the ability to thrive in your work processes. Workplace and employee productivity can affect employee performance, health, as well as company reputation. Employees who are engaged in their work environment find their work environment suitable and drive company profits and revenues.

Actionable Team Building Activities for Employees

Does your company organize team building activities for employees? Do you think your employees will feel more comfortable participating in team building activities? Are you going to arrange some actionable activities in the office or outdoors? If you are thinking of hosting some team building activities and games for employees, you might feel doubtful about what type of activities you have to keep and what can make them more relaxed while participating.

Productivity vs. Efficiency: Which One Matter More in the Workplace?

We all know that efficiency and productivity are important for success in the workplace. But which one do you value more? In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of efficiency and productivity and how they impact your business to achieve the best results.

6 of the Best Email Service Providers in 2023

In the 21st century, it takes just minutes to set up an email account on the web. A simple Google search will yield a myriad of results providing users with a huge spectrum of different service providers to choose from. Alongside blocking distracting websites, having an easy-to-manage email inbox is essential for improving productivity. On the surface, it appears that each of these providers offers roughly the same service by allowing us to seamlessly send, receive, accept and store emails online.