Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

April 2021

Design improvements and bug fixes: get to know Rocket.Chat 3.14

To make the Rocket.Chat experience even more pleasant and smooth for our users, the development efforts of version 3.14.0 were focused on design tweaks and bug fixes. The sizes of the graphic elements present in the last releases have been improved, alongside some new security fixes and improvements in the usability of our new Teams feature. We believe that this will allow a wider and more correct use of Rocket.Chat.

Search for files and document contents in Mattermost

Finding the right information in Mattermost is critical to work smarter and be more productive. Searching in Mattermost now finds both relevant messages and files in your team’s conversation history. Search will return results for attachments that match the file name or contain matching text content within supported document types. File search is available today in Mattermost Cloud and in Mattermost Self-Managed v5.35 (available May 16), with mobile support coming soon.

Courier can disrupt user communication -Sendgrid | Mailgun | Airship | Twilio- Centralized messaging

Troy Goode is based in San Francisco, with his family of 3 kids. They are 10, 8 and 2… so they are back in diapers. He finds family life super rewarding, and loves to go outside, to the park, and spend time with his family. His parents had a boat when he was growing up, and they lived in a rural area. He used to sail down (as a spectator, not a sailor) a nearby river in Virginia. As he got older, he missed the simple peace yet required work that came with sailing – so he picked it back up as an adult.

Mattermost plugins: How to set up your developer environment

The goal of this four-part series is to help you learn how to write your own Mattermost plugins for the first time. To kick things off, this article teaches you how to set up your developer environment. My test computer is a five-year-old laptop with an Intel i5 processor and 4GB of RAM. You need at least 30GB of hard disk for this project. Of course, you’ll also need an internet connection. We start with a freshly installed Ubuntu 20.04. You don’t need to install the desktop environment.

Universal universities

The original open web was born out of academia. It was designed so that scientists at universities and research institutes around the world could share knowledge between each other in a consistent way using an open standard. Today, the digital landscape has changed. It is largely dominated by centralised commercially-driven tech giants. They have changed the nature of the open web by developing their own proprietary systems, retaining power and data.

Tutorial: Making a Rocket.Chat App

Another great content created by the amazing members of our Community. This tutorial is brought to you by Rohan Lekhwani – so a special thanks to him! The original article was posted on his Medium page and you can check it by clicking here. Rocket.Chat can be easily extended with powerful Apps. Here is a step by step of how I created MemeBuddy for Rocket.Chat.

Top 7 Industries for Work From Home Jobs

The pandemic has permanently reshaped the workplace. It made millions of people say goodbye to the rush hour and start working from home. The apps such as Skype, Zoom, Chanty, or Slack made it all possible. We no longer have to be in an office full-time. The truth of the matter is, we proved that working from home can be effectively done in our PJs from the comfort of our sofa. Based on research by the Conference Board, less than 10% worked from home prior to the pandemic.

Are Native and Electron Apps Finally Obsolete? Publishing Full-Stack Web Apps in the Windows and Mac App Stores

When most people think of web apps, they think of progressive web apps (PWAs). The problem is that PWAs are essentially just locally cached web pages that generally still need to connect to a server to fully function. They aren’t complete apps in and of themselves. But what if you could package the entire web stack — i.e., both client-side and server-side — as a standalone desktop application? It might sound crazy, but it isn’t.

How Rocket.Chat enabled SeekingAlpha to more than double its Marketplace subscription revenue in 2020

SeekingAlpha is an investing platform where investing experts provide exclusive real-time investing ideas or trading tips on stocks, bonds, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. They empower investors to make informed investing decisions by providing them with access to independent and balanced stock research, fundamental analysis tools, crowdsourced debate, reliable news, and actionable market data.

4 Common Problems of Virtual Teams are Solved

Low-stress level, no commute, no shoes, PJs only, spending more time with family and friends, and so much more. Sounds neat right? According to some studies, remote work has brought higher productivity and a more positive work-life balance since the beginning of the pandemic. However, it’s not all rainbows and butterflies, is it? We have been facing some challenges, to say the least.

5 workflow automations for Mattermost that we love at n8n

n8n is a fair-code licensed tool that helps you automate tasks, sync data between various sources, and react to events — all via a visual workflow editor. Our team has been using Mattermost for internal communication since the very beginning, and in time we have developed a ChatOps practice by integrating Mattermost with our workflows. In this article, we present five of our favorite use cases of n8n with Mattermost, for both work productivity and team engagement.

Teams: Efficiently Manage Your Remote Team on Rocket.Chat

One minute you’re on cloud nine, productively working on your collaboration tool until… A new member joins the team, and you must add them to every relevant channel of your platform. You include that new user and have to repeat the manual process over and over. Suddenly you’re worried about how you’ve been using your time. Wouldn’t it be easier if your collaboration platform had a faster way to manage and deal with users?

Follow These Considerations For An Effective Push Notification System Design

On our smartphones or in our web browsers, push notifications are part of our daily online lives. Hate them or love them, when implemented correctly, they can be extremely valuable to our experiences. An average of 20% of active website users opt in to receive web pushes, which, while the figure may seem low, is four times the best email subscription rate. The statistics are even higher on mobile devices, with 44% and 91% of iOS and Android users respectively opting in.