Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

July 2023

The Top 11 Employee Incentives: How to Motivate Your Team with Rewards and Benefits

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of trying to motivate your team without much success? If the answer is a very tired: yes! Then, read on as in this blog post, we will breach the TOP Employee Incentives to Motivate Your Team with Rewards and Benefits! Employee incentives are becoming increasingly popular in the business world as a way to motivate employees and improve productivity.

Empowering teams: How modern leadership practices are changing the game

Welcome, folks! In today’s ultra-connected and fast-paced world, the ‘boss behind the big desk’ leadership style no longer cuts it. Leadership styles have evolved, and modern leadership practices are stepping into the limelight, focusing on collaboration, flexibility, and empowerment. These aren’t just buzzwords, either. They’re the keys to driving successful teams and businesses in this day and age. But how does Time Doctor fit into this equation, you ask?