Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

April 2023

3 Dashboard tips to track Google Analytics 4 (GA4) data

As you likely will have heard by now, Google's old Universal Analytics will finally stop processing data on July 1 2023, with the newer Google Analytics 4 (GA4) taking up the mantle. And although most businesses use Google Analytics, most businesses don’t have a dedicated analytics specialist.

Understanding Customer Support SLAs: Maximizing Satisfaction

We’ve all been there. Unlocking our phone, opening the Uber or Lyft app, and ordering a ride. When we do so, both the driver and rider are agreeing to certain terms and conditions: picking the rider up within a designated time frame, how much the trip should cost, an estimated arrival time, and delivering the rider to their destination safely. This agreement of sorts is similar to Service Level Agreements (SLAs), which ensures service obligations and promises are kept.