Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

December 2022

Top 5 Common E-commerce Data Management Mistakes

81% of online shoppers look up products before purchasing. This is why it is crucial to have accurate and highly detailed product information on your eCommerce site. However, product content is just one element of eCommerce data management. It also requires the efficient collection, storage, and use of all data.

Stop measuring your marketing funnel wrong | Data Smarties

Why do so many marketers map digital metrics onto a model designed for market research? In this episode of data smarties, we take a look at the history of the classic marketing funnel, and propose a better way for small businesses (who don't have the budget for brand tracking research) to create marketing funnels they can actually measure. Chapter titles

How to create a TV dashboard for Pipedrive

Pipedrive is a popular choice of CRM system for sales teams, especially in small to medium sized businesses. It provides an easy-to-use interface and powerful features that help teams manage sales performance, track progress and generate sales reports with ease. With Pipedrive, sales teams can create pipelines, assign tasks, set deadlines and monitor key metrics. They can also track leads, set targets, and view detailed analytics to gain valuable insights.

2023: The Year of Personalized Support

"Experience" has become the buzzword for quite some time now. We all think and talk about it, but it hardly ever changes anything. One reason for this is that the word "experience" (and Experience Management, for that matter) is a VERY broad term and can be leveraged for many different outcomes. However, we can take a narrow approach when it comes to service and support by focusing on just one aspect: personalized support.