Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

November 2023

CRM vs CMS: Which One Is Right for You (& When)?

Managers often view CRM and CMS as optional or opposing tools. Granted, both CRM vs CMS tools serve differing purposes; however, using them simultaneously can boost your customer data management efforts through the roof. In this guide, we will deep-dive into understanding the key differences between CRM vs CMS and learn when you should use which tool. Let’s go!

ITSM vs CRM: Understanding the Key Differences

When it comes to managing your business needs, choosing the right software solution is crucial. ITSM and CRM are two important tools that can help streamline your day-to-day activities, but they have distinct differences. ITSM, or IT Service Management, focuses on managing and delivering IT services to meet the needs of an organization. On the other hand, CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, helps businesses manage interactions with their customers.

SaaS CRM Basics for Entry-Level Project Managers

SaaS is gaining popularity as a way for businesses to save money on several services. Companies used to buy software and install it on their computers, or they would make their own. As a result, they needed to invest in infrastructure and staff to maintain these systems operational. Under the SaaS approach, you are not responsible for the software. You are nothing more than a user. The software will be accessible through internet interfaces and, in general, mobile applications.