Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

October 2022

Monitor ALL of Salesforce with Exoprise

Salesforce customer relationship management (CRM) performance is critical to sales, marketing, and customer service for smooth business operations. As a result, Information Technology (IT) teams and developers often customize the cloud platform using thousands of apps, plugins, and APIs available in the Salesforce AppExchange Store to boost collaboration and improve efficiency.

Conversational CRM is the missing piece in your sales strategy

Humans and technology. Hollywood has long explored the relationship between the two, from synthetic intelligence in sci-fi movies like Ex Machina to androids living in alternate realities in HBO’s Westworld. In those films and television shows, technology is often depicted as being wildly disruptive, even malevolent. While Hollywood gives us exaggerated stories for entertainment, it does offer a lens into how technology and methodologies can upend how we live.

The Ultimate Collection of Salesforce Alternatives for CRM

This blog is for you if you want to employ one of the Salesforce alternatives as your CRM system. If you are unfamiliar with Salesforce's reputation, you may be surprised to learn the below best CRM systems used compared to or as alternatives to Salesforce. Salesforce is a great CRM system that offers thousands of enterprises a standard-setting service, making it an indispensable tool in the CRM solutions league.