Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

October 2020

Capping a decade of blitzscaling, Freshworks makes big splash in CRM and platform play

Oftentimes, it starts like a dream—fleeting, chaotic, unsolicited, and without structure. The idea is a strange thing, isn’t it? The way it begins and evolves is like life itself—literally out of nowhere, and then, in a hard act to follow, it branches out and sprouts arms and legs, and lands firmly upon the ground of reason to sustain itself through the years.

CRM Profile View Configuration

We understand that when working with the CRM database, different departments or separate employees might need to see different fields in the CRM profiles. These profiles should be customized according to the needs of each department and type of work. For instance, contact center agents collect contact details to communicate with clients in future.

What's new in Teamwork CRM

Over the past few months, the Teamwork CRM engineers have been dedicating most of their time to several significant features. Our new email integration that is currently in beta, our company and contact sync with Teamwork, and the introduction of notifications are just some of the features that you will soon be able to avail of! While those items have been our main focus, we have also released some really valuable features to Teamwork CRM. Here are three such items that we have recently added:.