Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

June 2023

CSAT Score: Everything You Need To Know About Customer Satisfaction Scores (Updated March 2022)

Editor’s Note: The CSAT Score article was originally written on March 27th, 2022 and was most recently updated for relevance and clarity on June 30th, 2023. Every company wants to grow. The easiest way to do that is to keep your existing customers. To retain customers, you need to make them happy. Happy customers turn into long-term and profitable loyalists. And in short, long-term and profitable loyalists go a long way toward improving your CSAT score.

Unlocking the Magic of AI Chatbots: Delving into the Unique Worlds of GPTChat, Bard and Jasper

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized the way we interact with technology, and AI chatbots have become increasingly popular tools for various tasks. OpenAI’s GPT Chat and Google’s Bard are two prominent AI chatbots that have garnered significant attention since their release. While both chatbots leverage natural language processing to generate human-like responses, there are crucial differences that set them apart in terms of their capabilities and use cases.

How to Maximize Your Zendesk Knowledge Base with AI (Updated for January 2024)

The modern customer wants self-service. That’s why, over the past few years, we’ve seen companies build out robust Knowledge Bases (or Help Centers) on Zendesk and other leading customer experience platforms. Zendesk Knowledge Base solutions are team publishing libraries covering recurring topics and questions on products and services. Another way that companies provide self-serve support options is by launching customer service chatbots.