Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

May 2023

Chatbots: Empowering Customer Service Amid Turbulent Times

Chatbots are fast becoming part of the digital core of tech tools that companies utilize as a secret weapon to increase their competitive advantage in the customer service arena. At the same time, chatbots are solving a very real problem taking place today: of a decrease in available customer service agents and positive customer experiences due to an economic downturn. Some of the biggest corporations in the world are experiencing layoffs.

The ROI of Using Chatbot and Automation with Your IT Service Desk (Webinar)

Workativ is a FREE no-code SaaS platform for companies to quickly build, automate, and deploy conversational AI chatbots with app workflow automation out-of-the-box in less than 60 mins. No coding is required. Workativ differentiates itself by focusing on employee IT & HR support for digital and hybrid workplace transformation.

Top 6 Chatbots Utilization That Changing the Game for Businesses

Are you trying to find a solution to help you grow your company? Chatbots have revolutionized the way businesses operate and are quickly becoming invaluable assets. In this blog post, we’ll explore the top 5 chatbot utilization strategies that are changing the game for businesses. Learn how leveraging these digital tools can help propel your business forward!

IT Support Automation: Increase ROI & Reduce Costs

What is Workativ? Workativ is a FREE no-code SaaS platform for companies to quickly build, automate, and deploy conversational AI chatbots with app workflow automation out-of-the-box in less than 60 mins. No coding is required. Workativ differentiates itself by focusing on employee IT & HR support for digital and hybrid workplace transformation. Along with the chatbot, Workativ has a powerful app workflow automation engine and out-of-the-box automation marketplace with prebuilt bots and 600+ pre-built app workflows for the chatbot.

Contact Center of the Future: Empower Agents with AI Co-Pilots

Despite the accelerating pace of Generative and Conversational AI innovation disrupting contact centers, today’s customer experience (CX) agents are under the same pressure points as always – business performance pressures from one side and demanding customer expectations from the other.

WhatsApp chatbot: use this tool to optimise your customer service

Have you considered streamlining your contacts and optimising the customer experience with the WhatsApp Business chatbot? The feature was released to users of the tool to celebrate the milestone of 5 million companies registered on the app. In this article, you’ll learn how the WhatsApp chatbot works, how to activate it and what it can do to reduce your response time and offer 24/7 support to your customers and prospects.