Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

October 2021

How to design dialogue for chatbots

The art of conversation evolved early in human evolution. As a species, we’ve been perfecting our verbal and nonverbal communication skills over hundreds of thousands of years, and it still is something that takes us years to learn. We’re at one of the most pivotal periods since the beginning of human dialogue. With artificial intelligence (AI) powering chatbots and voice assistants, we’re now teaching human brains how to communicate with artificial brains.

Miro Customer Service - Scaling teams, building a unicorn culture, and shaping the product roadmap

Oleg Krasnov is the Head of Support Excellence at Miro, an online collaborative whiteboard platform that enables distributed teams to work effectively together with over 20 Mn+ users. He is an evangelist for outstanding customer relations with 13+ years in tech spanning various industries having worked with companies such as Microsoft, Selectel, Zeptolab, etc.